In recent days, Minister of Culture Amanda Lind (MP) has received harsh criticism from several quarters, due to the rules of a maximum of 50 people at public gatherings - which has hit Sweden's culture and sports hard.

Several people have demanded her resignation, mainly in the cultural sphere.

"A good conversation partner"

When the Swedish Sports Confederation's chairman Björn Eriksson visited Morgonstudion today, he opened up so that they too can raise their voices more to bring about a change.

- Maybe we have to do that. But on the other hand, we are not much left to say that one minister or the other is less suitable and upside down. We just want the government as a collective to make a decision. It has been said that you should do it within 14 days, and then you have to come to a decision and then the sports movement is fully prepared to be fully prepared to be a good conversation partner, he says, and continues:

- So we do not participate in a smear around individuals - we participate in "give us an opportunity!". We lost 1.2 billion in the third quarter. So there it can not continue!

Eriksson is very clear that the sports movement needs permission from the public in the near future.

- Swedish sports will not succeed in the long run without generating money. It's not that complicated.