Sani Brown "I am learning a lot every day" 8:34 on August 5th

Sani Brown Abdel Haquiem, a US record-based 100-meter men's Japanese record holder, said on April 4 about his new track and field, a professional athletic team, saying, ``Learn a lot from experienced players every day. I'm talking about it,” and talked about a fulfilling practice environment where I could train with Olympic medalists.

21-year-old Sani Brown relocated its training base from the University of Florida, USA, to a professional athletic team, Tumbleweed Track Club, located in Florida, after the Tokyo Olympics were postponed for a year.

Many Olympic medalists have been produced at this club, and Sani Brown appeared on the official Instagram of IOC = International Olympic Committee on the 4th to talk about the new environment.

Sani Brown, who spoke in English, said, "I'm very motivated to practice with experienced players, and I can learn a lot from them every day, so I have a good experience." It was.

After that, he said, "I am not a 100% player yet, and there is room for improvement in running form and pace distribution. By achieving small goals every day, I want to achieve big goals such as gold medals and world records." It was

In the video, Sani Brown talked about his house at home and the episode "I sleep for 15 hours a day on weekends."