
Shin Yu-bin, the youngest and ace player of the table tennis national team, joined the unemployment team this year instead of going to high school, and set two goals to win the Olympic medal and meet the BTS.

Reporter Yoo Byung-min.


In January, Shin Yubin, who became the most famous national team ace by winning a ticket to Tokyo for women's table tennis with her own hand, has since continued to make a striking move.

When he was 16, he went straight to the unemployment team and threw his penalty to the Olympic medal.

[Shin Yoobin/Korean Air: My friends are not able to practice properly because of the corona, but I am practicing normally. I think it's good because I'm practicing a high level of practice.] The

first salary I received at a young age was largely donated.

[Shin Yoobin/Korean Air: I think it's good to be able to practice it with the thought of'Let's donate it with the first income


[Sinyubin / KAL: (If you have this year), I think there is also a little impatient mind, now You also get a preparation period I want to concentrate more to show if the perfect picture Tokyo shop]

sinyubin to call themselves a fan of bulletproof Boy Scouts will follow the medals I laughed brightly as I thought I could meet BTS inside.

[Shin Yoobin/Korean Air: Hit table tennis well to win medals, then meet bulletproof to gain strength and show good looks at the Tokyo Olympics, so please cheer up.]

(Video editing: Park Chun-bae)