Chinanews client, Beijing, August 1st (Li He) Whether in urban communities or rural sports and leisure corners, you can see table tennis tables almost everywhere. The reason why ping-pong is called the "national game" is closely related to its ease of use, popularization, and solid mass foundation. The column "Playing Ping Pong in 60 Seconds" will help readers who love national football start from a zero foundation and enter the door of junior enthusiasts——

  In actual combat, in addition to technical ability, the rational use of tactics is also an important factor in determining a person's level. On the basis of mastering the basic skills, one should also have an understanding of table tennis tactics. The application of tactics is of great significance in table tennis and is an important factor affecting the outcome.

  For beginners, although the technical system is still immature and some more complex tactics cannot be used, they can still rely on some simple tricks to improve their "combat effectiveness."

  Specifically, beginners can make full use of the "four corners" of the opponent's table half area when serving the ball-divide the table tennis table into two half areas with a net, and the opponent's half area will have four corners, respectively These are the two near corners near the net and the two far corners near the baseline. The server can choose to control the drop point of the serve within these four corners according to the tactical thinking or actual situation to obtain a better serve effect.

  In general, the serve that falls in the near corner is mostly no billiard ball or half billiard ball, that is, short ball, and the serve that falls in the far corner is billiard ball, that is, long ball.

  Generally speaking, the serve that gives amateur golfers the most headache is the short forehand . Therefore, the server can control the serve point at the close corner of the opponent's clapping side according to the opponent's position;

  The long ball can often force the opponent to push to the middle station, which has a good effect on mobilizing the opponent.

Long backhand shots generally require the serve to fall at the far corner of the receiver's backhand. This type of serve mainly tests the opponent's forward and backward footwork mobility. The footwork of table tennis is usually easy from back to front, and difficult to move from front to back. Receiving the serve is to quickly start from the almost static state to catch the long ball on the bottom line, so it is more difficult;

Forehand long shots usually refer to a wide-angle serve that falls on the server's half-table holding the clap. If the opponent's ready posture is sideways, or the left and right footwork is not good, the serve can be controlled at the far corner of the opponent's clapping side to achieve a better serve effect.

  As the saying goes, the first to start is the strongest, and then to start to suffer. As the most proactive technical action, serving is also the beginning of all tactics. For novices, the core idea of ​​serving tactics is: try to mobilize opponents through changes in the point of serving to obtain opportunities and win the initiative or favorable situation. (Finish)