Grand Sumo July Place 10th day Shin-Ozeki loses to Asanoyama All wins are Yokozuna Hakuho 1 July 28 19:42

Grand Sumo July place is the 10th day. Shin-Ozeki Asanoyama lost to Sekiwaki Mitakeumi and lost 1 point, and the only victory was Yokozuna Hakuho.

Win/loss after entering

Koto Eiko won the ten wins for Koyo Eko with the help of Koto Emitsu.

In Takayasu, Waka Takakage overcame Waka Takakage.

Chiyomaru withdraws the sea of ​​Sada to Chiyomaru.

Terunofuji wins the Mt. Shohozan with a draw and wins the ninth victory. Shohozan is losing.

Nishiki is a close-up of Shimanoumi on Nishiki. Shimanoumi has decided to lose.

Kouki Yuki pushes out Tochinoshin.

Kaiki is thrown by Kaiki to Kotoshoho.

Ishiura made a good throw to Kotosho chrysanthemum.

Chiyo Dairyu pushes out Myogi Ryu to Chiyo Dairyu.

Teruyoshi beat the ball eagle, and the ball eagle knocked him down to win his seventh win.

Tokusatsu Ryu has a lot of power. The power is losing.

The sparkle is blazing into the flame peng.

Ryuden threw a good hand at Mt.Kirima.

Endo threw Abusaki well.

Takara Fuji fell on Toyoyama.

The sea of ​​Oki is the shoulder of Takashi's victory over the sea of ​​Oki.

Daiei Sho sticks out to Shoei Sho. Masayo retreated to 2 losses.

Ozeki Takakage wins over Aoyama with 1 more win until Kikane wins with a breakthrough.

Ozeki Asanoyama Sekiwaki The Ontake Sea won the Ontake Sea with a good throw.
Shin-Ozeki Asanoyama enjoyed the place's first black star.
Mitake Sea is the winner.

Yokozuna Hakuho is pushed out to Kitakatsu Fuji. Yokozuna made his 1000th appearance in the world with a white star, and was the only one to win the entire victory.

The sumo wrestler's July place was the 10th day after the end and all wins were Yokozuna Hakuho.
With one defeat, Asoyama Ozeki and Terunofuji of the flat curtain continue.