Grand Sumo July Place 5th day Shinozeki Asanoyama wins 5 consecutive wins July 23 19:12

Grand Sumo July place is the 5th day. Shin-Ozeki's Asanoyama won by killing Kiriumayama and finished the opening with no damage.

It is a victory after losing in the middle.

Koto Emitsu won the ten monkeys with a scoop throw.

Nishiki is extruding Chiyomaru on Nishiki.

Takayuki Waka is pushed out by Yuki Koto.

Teru Fuji is a battle between former Ozeki of Terunofuji.

Shohozan wins a new win for Kotokatsu and Kotokatsu wins five wins in a row.

Tochinoshin struck down into the sea of ​​Sada.

Koto singer chrysanthemum leans down on Shimanoumi.

Myogi Ryu pushes Kotonaka to win 5 consecutive games.

The power is thrown to the Kaiki by hand.

The ball eagle was pushed out to Ishiura and the ball eagle won.

Chiyo Dairyu throws well to Teruyoshi.

Hokuho Fuji pushes Kitakatsu Fuji down.

Asaku pushes Tokusatsu Ryu to Asen.

Aoyama was withdrawn by Ryuden.

Takashi wins with shine. Takashi wins out.

Toyoyama is overtaken by Daiei Sho. Toyoyama is the fifth consecutive loser.

The Ontake Sea wins over Endo, and the Ontake Sea pushes out to win 5 consecutive victories.

The sea of ​​Oki to the Tadayo is thrown by the Tadasu.

As for Ozeki and Asanoyama on Kiriumayama, Asanoyama controlled a long sumo that lasted more than 1 minute, and finished the opening stage without injury.

Takaseki is included in Takara Fuji.

Abusaki wins Yokozuna and Shiraho for five consecutive wins as Shiraho wins with a good throw.