Reversal win over Rakuten Seibu, leader of the professional baseball par league, 23:01 on July 19th

Six games of professional baseball were played, and Rakuten, the leader of the Pacific League, won the lead against Seibu.

Pacific League

▽ In Rakuten vs Seibu, Rakuten won 9-5.

After seven times in a 2-point timely hit by Asamura, Rakuten beat Uchida's first-base home run to win the match. The starting pitcher got off the mound three times, but then five pitchers connected without a goal and the fourth Busenitz pitcher got the first white star of the season.
Seibu was unable to keep the lead in the first half and lost the lead.

▽ ORIX vs SoftBank, SoftBank won 3-2.

SOFTBANK scored 3 points with 7 times 0-0, Yanagita's timely two-base hit and Akira Nakamura's first torun. The starting pitcher, Niho, has 6 runs without goals and is his second win this season, and Softbank has won three consecutive games.
Orix hit one hit up to 6 times, and pitcher Yamamoto, who had held no goals, was hit in the 7th inning and suffered the first black star this season. The team has lost 3 consecutive games.

▽ Nippon Ham vs. Lotte Nippon Ham won 9-2.

Nippon Ham scored 4 points with Sugiya's timely hit and Nakata's No. 3 three-run home run three times, and then went on to continue with Watanabe's two-game home run No. 2 torun. The starting draft rookie, Pitcher Kono, was the first professional win with 8 goals and 2 runs.
Lotte was unable to play the starting pitcher Ariyoshi with four goals in the third inning.

SE League

▽ In DeNA vs. Giant, the giant won 5 to 3.

The Giants caught up with Maru's timely Uchino Hits 9 times to score one point and overcame Okamoto's two-run home run. The fourth pitcher, Otake, won his first victory of the season. The giant has won 6 consecutive games.
DeNA suffered five consecutive losses.

▽Hiroshima vs. Yakult drew 10 times, 3 to 3 by special rules.

Yakult was able to catch the same goal 9 times in a row with 1 out 1st and 3rd base with a timely hit by Aoki.
Hiroshima was once overturned by Matsuyama's two-point timely two-base hit and Aizawa's timely hit in the 7th inning, but Yasunori Kikuchi, who holds down, was hit and failed to escape.

▽ Hanshin vs Chunichi Hanshin won 11-3.

Hanshin won three points four times in a series of three to three with four consecutive foreballs and Fukudome's sacrificial fly. The third pitcher, Nomi, won his first win of the season and the team returned to 50% with four consecutive victories.
In the middle day, Umezu pitcher could not play the role with 6 goals in the middle of the fourth inning.