Rakuten stands alone in the professional baseball par league at 22:54 on July 4th.

In professional baseball, four day games and two night games were played, with Rakuten alone taking the lead in the Pa League.

This is the Par League.

At the end of the 7th inning, Rakuten vs. Lotte became a cold game due to rain, and Rakuten won 3 to 1.

Rakuten topped Asamura's No. 6 solo three times with one-on-one, and Shimauchi's timely two-base scored additional points in the fifth.

Kishi Pitcher, who is the first pitcher of the season, is a white star with 1 goal in 5 runs.

Rakuten took the lead alone.

Lotte is back in second place with no batting line.

In Seibu vs. Orix, Orix won 4 to 3.

In the 8th time, ORIX chased 2 points and scored 3 points with Oshiro's timely and Masahisa Yoshida's No. 3 tournament.

The starting pitcher, Tajima, is the first victory of the season with three runs in seven runs.

In Seibu, the starting pitcher, Matsumoto, made a good run with one goal in the seventh inning, but the relief team could not keep the lead.

Nippon Ham v SoftBank wins Softbank 8-3.

Softbank once scored 3 points with Imamiya's No. 2 solo, etc., and then added points in small increments with Imamiya's timely.

The starting pitcher, Wada, scored 3 goals in the middle of the 8th inning, and made his first victory of the season.

Nippon Ham got the starter pitcher Kato with 5 goals in the middle of the fourth inning, and the counterattack was slow.

This is the SE League.

Giants vs Chunichi Giants won 7 to 3.

The Giant won the round with Maru's No. 2 three-run once, and added an additional point with Sakamoto's No. 3 solo twice.

Maru played 6 points, including hitting No. 3 Touran 5 times.

The second pitcher, Tsubahara, who relieved from the 4th inning, won for the first time in 2 years.

The giant has 3 consecutive wins and is the 10th win of the season.

In the middle of the day, the starting pitcher Yoshimi collapsed with four goals four times.

Yakult vs. DeNA won 10-8 by Yakult.

Yakult overcame 2 points by 6 times 4 to 4, Yamazaki's sacrifice fly, and scored in the final stage.

The starting pitcher, Ogawa, is his second win with four runs in six runs.

DeNA got 4 runs 3 times in the 3rd year when Nakagawa, the starting pitcher, hit two home runs.

I couldn't catch up.

In Hiroshima vs. Hanshin, Hanshin won 9-3.

Hanshin once took the lead with Malte's No. 2 Touran, and continued to score points with Chikamoto's sacrifice fly and 2 points timely.

The starting pitcher, Iwasada, was the first to win this season with 3 runs in 6 runs.

Hanshin's consecutive losses stop at 4.

In Hiroshima, pitcher Osera was unable to make a match with four goals in the fourth inning and lost three consecutive games.