Zhongxin Client, Beijing, July 1 (Li He) Whether it is an urban community or a rural sports and leisure corner, table tennis tables can be seen almost everywhere. The reason why ping-pong is called the "national ball" is closely related to its ease of use, popularity and deep mass foundation. The column of "Playing Table Tennis in 60 Seconds" will help readers who love national football to start from the zero base and enter the door of junior enthusiasts-

  Serving is the start of every point in a table tennis game. It is the only technical action in all table tennis techniques that is not restricted by the opponent’s arrival. It can maximize your technical level, show your tactical intentions, and is also the most active. Technical action.

  Serving technology is generally composed of four links: standing position, lead shot, swing shot and restoration. According to different classification basis, the serving technology of table tennis can be divided into different types.

  In order to provide reference and reference for beginners, we will first introduce the basic requirements and precautions of table tennis serve technology.

First, pay attention to the rules of serving

  The serve is composed of two parts:

  1. The throwing motion of one hand. The height of the upper toss is greater than or equal to 16 cm. The upper tossing action should be outside the end line of the table, higher than the table, and vertical toss.

  2. The swinging motion of the other hand. According to the new rules, it must be higher than the table, and the referee and the opponent athletes centered on both sides can see the movement clearly.

Second, pay attention to the purpose of serving

  Know thyself, ever-victorious. Before serving, you should understand the basic situation and characteristics of the opponent as much as possible, and be aware of it. If you have the conditions, it is best to understand the strengths of the opponent through warm-ups, videos, reports, etc., and understand the rules of the opponent's serve, batting, landing and the ball path.

Third, pay attention to changes in serving

  Unpredictable service changes often overwhelm the opponent. The service is monotonous, and the landing point is also monotonous, often making the opponent adapt quickly, and putting himself in a passive beating situation. Therefore, you should practice a few sets of serving skills to fully grasp the initiative in the serving phase.

  Regarding the technical details, the coach reminds you to hit the middle of the ball as much as possible, and at the same time, try to be as close as possible to the end line when the racket is in contact with the ball, so as to make the ball emitted fast and long.

  After understanding the basic principles and simple technical requirements, we will continue to talk about the serving techniques used by beginners-flat hitting and downspin. (Finish)