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Yoo Sang-cheol, an honorary director of Incheon K-League who is suffering from pancreatic cancer, has recovered a lot of health after completing chemotherapy. Director Yoo Sang-cheol, who was discharged after receiving the last 13th anti-cancer injection treatment last Thursday, announced the situation in a single interview with SBS, saying that "there are differences even with the naked eye." Despite the extreme pains of the struggle for life, he overcame the fans' heartfelt support and thought of his mother who passed away in March. Recently, the team in Incheon, which has suffered from the worst of the league's seventh consecutive streak, said that they are sorry for not being able to work together when the team is in trouble. The interview with director Yoo Sang-cheol and SBS was organized in a sports mug.

(Write/Composition: Park Jin-hyeong / Video coverage: Foreground Bae / Editorial: Cheon Eun-sun)