Wada's administrative board consists of 38 members, half are from the Olympic movement and half are from the world's governments.

Amanda Lind (MP), Minister of Culture and Democracy and Minister responsible for Sports, will be one of the European representatives.

- It feels very good that Sweden still has a strong voice internationally in the anti-doping work. The anti-doping work is so central also for pure sports, for the confidence in sports and also for the athletes' own safety. Here we must continue to work nationally but also to strengthen the work internationally, says Lind to SVT Sport.

What do you feel you want and can do?

- I want to highlight how important it is for the athletes themselves to be heard when making regulations and different processes. I think it is important that we strengthen Wada. There are strong nations and sports, and it is important that we have effective international anti-doping work and that I want to contribute to.