Angels 2 player confirmed new corona infection 0:42 on June 21 without contacting Otani

It was also confirmed that two athletes were infected in the angels to which Shohei Otani belongs, in the major league where the new coronavirus cases were confirmed. Otani is not in contact with these two people.

This was revealed in a local newspaper by Angels' Billy Eplase General Manager.

According to it, two players belonging to the Angels were confirmed to be infected by the new coronavirus test, but it is clear whether the two players are major league contract players or minor league players. not.

According to people involved in the team, Otani has been training independently since late March at the baseball stadium in Angels, Anaheim, and is currently visiting the stadium four days a week to practice both pitchers and batters. However, neither of the two infected people are using the stadium and are not in contact with Otani.

In the Major League, five players have been confirmed to be infected in the Phillies and one in the Astros, and in the Blue Jays, players with major league contracts are suspected of being infected.

At the baseball camp facilities in Florida and Arizona, athletes are self-training in preparation for the opening, but the Major League Organization has instructed all facilities to be closed and disinfected.

In the major leagues, the opening of the game in late March has been postponed, and the major league organizations and the athletes are discussing a plan for the season that includes measures to prevent infections. It is said that it may affect the consultation.