China News Client Beijing, June 5 (Xing Rui) Recently, the Argentine general martial artist Bruno Canetti became a "red man" in the circle. He was widely reported by foreign media when he was robbed on the road and shot in the chest. Fortunately, although Carnetti had a bullet, he was not in danger. After several hours of observation in the hospital, he was discharged.

Screenshot of foreign media reports.

  It is reported that on the day of the incident, the lightweight champion parked his motorcycle on the roadside. When he texted his coach and brother, the two thugs got out of a nearby car and asked him to hand over the motorcycle keys. While Canetti was looking for the key, the gangster suddenly launched an attack on him, and the Argentine also launched a counterattack.

  At this moment, the robber shot him and Carnetti quickly found a place to hide. But one bullet hit his chest, another bullet flew across his abdomen. Before Canetti's brother and coach arrived at the scene, the gangster fled.

  According to foreign media reports, the gangster shot Canetti twice, and the bullet went through his jacket and T-shirt and stuck in his chest.

Canetti was taken to the hospital.

  After this horrible robbery happened, netizens all sent blessings to Carneti, and also expressed their admiration for his corrective fitness hand. There are also some netizens who think of Ma Baoguo, a so-called "martial arts master" who claimed to be the head of the "Hunyuan Xingyi Taiji".

  However, in a previous game, the "master" was KO by an amateur boxer within 30 seconds. Judging from the "master horse" kung fu, if he meets gangsters on the road, I am afraid that he cannot escape from danger like Carnetti.

  As a professional general combat athlete, their fists are undoubtedly deterrent. If someone tries to conspire with them, it may be scared away, or may be beaten and begged for mercy.

  In 2019, Brazilian UFC star Polyana Viana also encountered a danger like Carnetti. A man used a cardboard pistol to intimidate her and wanted to search for property from her. But Viana saw through his tricks and launched a fierce attack on his face until the gangster begged for mercy and begged her to call the police.

  Afterwards, Viana said: "At the time I felt he was scared, and I was calm."

Screenshot of foreign media reports.

  Of course, this gangster was not the one who was beaten the worst. His "opponent" is only Viana. In 2017, when a man in California, USA, robbed with a gun, he accidentally "misentered" the gym that trains MMA players. His face can be imagined how terrible.

  On that day, professional player Powell was at the scene, he kicked his gun while the man was not prepared. Then a lot of heroes stepped forward to a beating. After the man was arrested by the police, his face was covered with blood, he walked out of the gym staggering, and was finally taken to the hospital for treatment.

Being beaten by MMA players to the gangster who can't walk.

  The pictures taken by the media showed that when the robber was taken away, he was unable to walk steadily for a while, and took a few steps to sit on the ground to rest. Presumably, he should be "grateful" for the police arrest. If the police did not rush to the scene in time, what kind of consequences will this criminal have under a group of tough guys? It's really hard to say...

  As early as 2014, Mexican MMA player Joseph Trez had started a hand-to-hand fight with four house robbers, one of whom was stabbed to death by Trez and the other was seriously injured. The fighter was only slightly injured.

  It is worth mentioning that Tretz's record in UFC is not outstanding. But even so, it is more than enough to clean up the general ruffians. It can only be said that the “victims” of these MMA full-time “stubborn” should be the biggest “unfortunate” in the “career” of gangsters. (Finish)