Tiger Woods confessed that his regret was the most regretful thing that broke his knee.

On a golf TV today (2nd), Woods replied to the question, "What do you want to say to you in your youth?"

"I ran 30 miles a week (approximately 48 km) a week, ruining my body and knees," he explained.

As a young man, Woods jumped hard enough to start his routine by running four miles in the morning (approximately 6.4 km).

Even at the end of my daily routines, such as golf practice and weight training, it was common to play four more miles.

He suffered from chronic knee injuries and later revealed that his knee bone was broken and extended overtime during the 2008 US Open Championship.

He added, "At the age of 25, I exercised a lot. At that time, I was the only golfer who did weight training in the gym."