Jan Isaksson was chairman of Bollnäs when the club terminated all contracts and cut player salaries.

Now he is part of the board again - following the nomination committee's proposal - and the task is similar to 2014: to review the financial situation.

"Diger agenda"

- It's worse than it was during my period, unfortunately. Personally, I have had transparency through Bollnäs elite group, and with fact in hand you should have pulled in some brakes earlier. One could have said that before, Isaksson tells helahälsingland.se.

- It's a huge agenda, it's first to get to the economy. Two of the offices are allowed to leave (Ronny Persson, youth manager, and Johnny Skoglund, marketing manager) and there we save two wages directly. Robert Lindgren's (former club manager) role, we may return around, discussions are ongoing there.

The financial statements will not be available until the end of May, and before that Isaksson will not comment on the figures.

- But that is bad, we do not need to be secretive about. We know quite clearly what this is about, says Isaksson.

"In a hurry"

The news site writes that the club manager Lindgren will in the future get to work with other tasks, and that all player contracts are terminated.

Isaksson says the club has a year to get the finances organized.

- Then the Finance Committee will want to look at the figures again. So it's in a hurry.