Eisel Rikper, the wife of Barcelona goalkeeper and former Turkish national team Rushto Rikper, has announced, through her official account on the social networking site "Instagram", that her husband is infected with the new "Corona" virus.

"Everything was normal until the symptoms suddenly appeared, and we are still in shock, and these are very difficult times, and I ask all people to be aware," said Rushto's wife via Instagram.

She added, "My son, my daughter, and my daughter tested negatively, but Rushto went to the hospital, and we are not allowed to see him, and this is the most difficult thing, which is the inability to be with him."

Essel's comments came to confirm what was reported by the international media, that veteran goalkeeper Rashto (47 years old), who had previously been on the Barcelona goal between 2003 and 2006, was transferred to the hospital, after it was discovered that he was infected with the "COVID-19" virus.