Grand Sumo Sokuni retires from active duty to inherit Arashio room March 26 20:21

The dismissal over the sumo wrestler's matchmaking problem was canceled seven years ago, and Sakukuni, who has returned to Makuuchi wrestlers, has retired from active duty and has taken over the Arashio room as his master.

Sookurai is 36 years old from Inner Mongolia, China. Introduced to the Arashio room and stepped on the first ring in the autumn of 2003, and in the autumn of 2010, he was the first person from China to enter the Makunai.

He was dismissed by the Japan Sumo Wrestling Association in 2011 for his involvement in the Gongcho problem, but was returned to his place in Nagoya in 2013 after being invalidated by the court and recognized as a Makuuchi wrestler.

He maintained his position in Sekitori for the longest time with his four right-handed sumo wrestlers, earned his skill prize in the first place in 2017, and raised his number in the second front, the highest in the spring place.

Having greeted with the 10th 10th car, the first place in January was greatly defeated with 4 wins and 11 losses, and the spring place of this month, which fell to the top of Makuhari, was closed from the first day.

Sookurai acquired the necessary Japanese nationality in September of last year as a master to provide guidance for backward development.

The master, Aoshio, retired from active duty as the teacher reached retirement this month. Was approved by the association.