Badminton British Open Men Endo / Watanabe pair advance to the finals March 15 8:05

The badminton British Open Men's Doubles semi-finals, the 6th-placed Daiyu Endo and Yuta Watanabe's pair won the Russian pair and advanced to the final.

At the British Open of Badminton held in the UK, semifinals of various events were held on the 14th, and the only remaining Japanese men to win the men's doubles pair, the pair of Endo and Watanabe, won in the past match Not played against the 31st Russian pair in the world.

Endo and Watanabe both struggled with a powerful smash that was downed by a tall opponent over 80 feet (1 meter), but grabbed the flow from the unique receive and took the first game 21-16.

In the second game, Endo showed a slow and fast attack, and Watanabe repeatedly scored with his special jumping smash. He scored 21-15 and went straight to the final.

Endo said, "If you simply raise the shuttle, the opponent's return will not be fast, so we devised various things such as lowering the shuttle. Tomorrow is the final race, so we want to enjoy it thoroughly."

In addition, Watanabe said with a smile, "I was able to defend with a strong shot from an opponent who was tall and angled, so I was able to defend because I was able to defend. Was.