Spectrum Field in Clearwater, Florida, USA. The Philadelphia club's Spring Camp is home to a fresh coach from Korea. The protagonist is Lee Bum-ho, who retired from active duty last year and began to lead the way.

Bum-ho Lee participates in minor league training and is experiencing firsthand the big league's advanced development system. After Philadelphia's Spring Camp, I'll be a coach for the minor league clubs and train for leadership. He left behind his active duty and met Lee Bum-ho in Florida as a leader.

▶ I have been in the US for about two weeks, how are you doing?
"I'm doing well with new cultures and new teams. I've been in the US for two weeks and I don't know how two weeks passed."
Why did you choose Philadelphia?
"I didn't choose it, but only Phillies accepted me. All the other teams had short training sessions. At most three months. But Phillies offered me a year. It's a very popular team, I still tell the team staff, "Thank you for accepting me. I haven't had a place to train for a long time, but thanks to the Phillies." And Park Chan-ho and Kim Hyun-soo are the young people. I know, a little older people are talking about Chan-ho. I think I'm benefiting because you two went so well.

▶ What kind of training do you receive?
"I think we're doing all of the minor leagues from rookies to singles. I'm going to go back and forth between rookies and single A teams. There's no batting, no defensive. It's a system where the batting coach teaches defense and looks back. I'm starting to throw a batting ball that I can't miss as a baseball player. "

▶ How do you feel about 2 weeks together?
"I feel free. And I'm trying to take everything they can. It seems like I know why. I'm practicing more to get one more. There are a lot of differences. '

▶ Have you improved your English?
"I have a friend who translates but I keep trying to use English. (Ryu) I brought XX school advertised by Hyunjin. (Laughter)"

Is there a chance of being a Philadelphia major coach?
"No. The Phillies Miner had a different situation. I don't think there's a chance to go up and experience the majors. But I'm at the camp and I'm going to see and learn. I'll be here as a coach. I'm going to work. It doesn't matter if you go up in the majors or not. I have a lot of opportunities to see rookies, singles and double A players here.

▶ I'm learning alone after my active life.
"I think I should adapt to this lonely thing. I think a coach is a lonely job. I don't feel like studying here and what to do when I'm lonely. I'm wondering if they can be a better player. I'm not physically tired, but I'm a little tired, but I'm lonely so I can have fun with me. I feel it. "

▶ 'Bloom Beom-ho', the main character of the league's biggest full-run home run. Does this player know about Lee's career?
"I don't know at all. I don't know who I am yet, but I know as a coach from Korea. But I need to show my skills soon.

▶ Have you lived in America for such a long time?
"It would be about a year for you to be camping in the United States during active duty. Now I got a house and put some furniture in. Children started going to school. The family seemed to have a hard time adapting, and I think it's fun. I'm so happy that I haven't had a lot of people who have had this opportunity, I see Harper, I see Mackerchin, I see Arietta. I have enough time to spend with my friends.

▶ It's great to be with such superstars, but there is a close friend Ryu Hyun-jin.
"Ke ~ (Ryu) I really want to see you. I struggled together as a child, I remember playing with Kim Tae-kyun. I really want to go, but the major league camp has no day off. (Laughter) South Korea I've become a superstar all over the world, and if they see me meet up and talk with me, I think it's going to be a big boost for the minor players here.

▶ What kind of leader do you want to be?
"I think it's hard to define what kind of leader I'm just starting out now. I want to bump into it now. We have a coaching staff meeting here and they say that we're all here as much as we spend more time than family, and it's our job here in Minor to make at least one of the Phillies's family. I think the best thing I can do is create a situation where one player can go from Double A to Triple A and Triple A to Major. "

▶ I heard that KIA helped you a lot.
"The KIA did it all. (Laughter) The boss and the general manager and the front family helped me so much. The boss said," I asked for your training. You have to go back and give it back, and the Phillies' clothes are red, so I'll have to figure out what you can do with the KIA team in the Tigers. I have to go. "

▶ I would like to say hello to KIA fans who will meet you in a year.
"Many people came to retirement happily to finish their career. Next year, I'm going to be a coach, coach, not a player, and I can make a great star player who can retire like me. I will learn hard to be a leader. KIA's manager changed this year, and I hope to go to the top five at a higher level.