Nantes Atlantique Handball club president Arnaud Ponroy (center), surrounded by coach Allan Heine and captain Léa Lisnières. - Frédéric Brenon

The Women's Handball League (LFH) reacted to the case of pregnancy tests within the handball club of Nantes. It recalls that its regulations impose a biological assessment at the start of the season, with elements "which are strictly limited to the NFS (blood cell count), reticulocyte, iron and vitamin D dosages".

For clarity, the medical committee of the League thus advises club doctors to prescribe two separate prescriptions for players on the occasion of the blood test at the start of the season. The first must correspond to "the examinations provided for by the LFH regulations in respect of the minimum compulsory biological balance". The second, "to any additional examinations envisaged by the doctor at the end of his clinical examination requested by the doctor, under his sole responsibility".

The goal is to provide players with information on the prescriptions issued by their doctor, so that they can give their "free and informed consent to each prescription", specifies the LFH.

The Nantes club has recognized the existence of tests

The Association of Professional Handball Players (AJPH) denounced Thursday pregnancy tests performed without the consent of the players. The Nantes club and some of the players acknowledged the existence of such tests on Friday, while ensuring that they were not carried out without the players' consent: the players were received for more than 35 minutes by the doctor of the club, Dr. Thibault Berlivet, who gave them a prescription for a series of tests. The list included a dosage of the hormone beta HCG, which can detect pregnancy.

A version contested by another part of the professional group, since six players (out of 14) said Sunday in an open letter that they were unaware of having undergone a pregnancy test.


Hand pregnancy test: Six players from Nantes confirm that they have not given their agreement

  • Sport
  • Nantes
  • Pregnancy
  • Handball