Al-Wahda team striker Sebastian Tigali, who acquired Emirati citizenship a few days ago, said that when he arrived in the Emirates he had many dreams that he wanted to achieve and that he was not in his mind that he could play for the UAE national team at all.

"There are unbelievable things. When I got here, I had dreams of brilliance, but there was none of them playing for the UAE national team, and it is wonderful that without dreaming of such an opportunity, I got it," Tigali said in his interview with the National newspaper.

Speaking about his expected first participation with Al-Abyad, Al-Wahda team player said: "Certainly it will be a wonderful moment in my football career. Perhaps I have cried. I have gone through many moments when I could cry but that did not happen, it may happen when I enter a room Changing the clothes of the national team for the first time. "

The Al-Wahda team player indicated that when I received the Emirates passport he was inside his car, with his children after the end of the school day, and said: "I told them to look at this, and they told me what I told them that my UAE passport was when they started screaming with joy (Emirates Emirates)."