Former Yankees Jeter United States Baseball Hall of Fame Jan 22 10:14

Members of the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame have been announced, and Derek Jeter, a member of the Yankees, has been elected to represent the Major League.

Members of the United States Baseball Hall of Fame will be selected as candidates who have obtained at least 75% of the votes cast by reporters who have been with the National Baseball Press Association for more than 10 years.

There are 32 candidates, and according to the polls announced on the 21st, Jeter and Larry Walker, who have worked for the Rockies and others, will be newly added to the Hall of Fame.

He played for the Yankees for 20 years before retiring in 2014. He played as a major league short, hitting a total of 3,465 hits, ranking sixth in history. He has also contributed significantly to the Yankees' five World Series wins, with 14 all-star games selected.

Last year's election, Mariano Rivera, who set a record for the 652 saves at the Yankees, was elected for the first time ever, but Jeter had just one vote left, with 99.7% of the vote.

Walker is a three-time batter and a home run king, retired in 2005, and was voted 77.6%. Walker is the second Canadian player to enter the Hall of Fame.