That CD Tacon is a team under construction to become Real Madrid and an upcoming big team has been noticed during the season.

Despite new acquisitions such as Thiasa Moreno, Kosovare Asllani and Sofia Jakobsson, the team has had major problems, especially on the away side.

Before today's meeting away against Sporting Huelva had not taken a single three-pointer as a guest and if you were to lose today you risked slipping further down the table and ending up in the bottom match.

You don't have to worry about that anymore.

The first away victory came today and especially after Sofia Jakobsson had a slightly magical second half.

First, the national team player started the half with serving Brazilian Thiasa Moreno to 1-0.

The home team Huelva acknowledged the quarter later but when there was 20 minutes of the match the Swedes stepped forward and made the match decision the goal.

Kosovare Asllani got the ball out on the edge, got loose and found the penalty area where Sofia Jakobsson made no mistake and bounced 2-1.

As not enough, Sofia Jakobsson continued his dominance in the final minutes by also fixing the penalty that paved for Kosovare Asllani's 3-1 goal.

The Swedes thus stood for an assist and a goal each in the important victory which meant that CD Tacon also passed Sevilla and became new ninth in the Spanish high school.