First day of sumo wrestling 8th day Takashi Katsu of 1 defeat plays against the Sea of ​​Oki January 19 4:35

The first place of the sumo wrestling is on the 8th day of Sino-Japanese, and Takagatsu Ozeki, who loses only one person in three roles or more, will play against the sea of ​​Oki in the flat curtain.

In the first place, in the absence of Yokozuna, after the 7th day, Takakatsu Ozeki and four flat curtain members were lined up with five losers.

On the eighth day of the middle day on the 19th, Takashi Katsu will play against the fourth front of the sea in Oki.
His past match record is 5 wins and 1 loss of Takashi wins. Takakage won't move as long as he could attack the sea of ​​the four sumo wrestlings in Oki from thorough and thorough distance.

In addition, Endo, who has defeated Nikko Yokozuna Ichidaiseki and is now in good shape with one loss, meets for the first time with Yampeng, who ranked up to the fifth frontal sheet of the highest ranking.
It is noteworthy how Endo, who is good at sumo wrestling, and Sumo Yampeng, who dives into the opponent's bosom, will show off what kind of battle they will meet.

The fourth straight Masayo, who has won the first consecutive day at "6" on the 18th, will play against Shinanowaki Asanoyama, who has lost two games. Competition record is five minutes of 2 wins and 2 losses, and Masayo won the place ahead without giving Asanoyama his top left hand.
The two are the four on the right. Asanoyama takes the upper left and has an advantage, while Masayo wants to bring it to a position where it can not get good.