First day of sumo wrestling 4th day Closed from Hakuho today Tsuru Ryu loses 3rd Jan 15 18:54

The first place of the sumo wrestling was on the fourth day, and Yokozuna Hakuho was closed from the 15th, and Tsururyu, who became a single Yokozuna, lost to Myogi Ryu and suffered the third loss.

Win / Loss after entering

霧 Kiruma Mountain defeated Tokatsu Ryu, and Tokatsu Ryu defeated and won.
栃 Mt. Tochihaki is dashing into Mt.
照 Tei Qiang wins for the group and wins for 4 straight victories from the first day.
魁 Kisei is thrown by Shimano Sea well in Shimano Sea.
東 Dragon won victory over Koto Emitsu.
剣 Sword sho is close to Chiyo Maru.
千 Chiyo Dairy に is a Koto Shogiku that is dropped by Koto Shogiku.
▽ Sada's sea wins over Teru, and Teru wins over and wins for four straight victories.
隆 Takashi wins over Ishiura for the first time on the fourth day, with Ishiura winning over.
碧 Akiyama won Toyoyama by extruding Toyoyama.
竜 Ryuden hits Abusaki with Ryuden.
宝 Treasure Fuji is pushed down by Mt.
▽ Tochino heart is hanging out to Yampeng.
海 The sea of ​​Oki is close to the sea of ​​Oki in Akio.
玉 Tamashi is pushed out of the Ontake Sea into the Ontake Sea.
新 Shin Sekiwaki defeated Asano Asanoyama was the first star to win, defeated by Aflame. Asanoyama is the first black star.
に Masayo wins in Takayasu for the fourth straight victory.
▽ Endo was beaten by Ogose Takakage. Endo is the first black star.
▽ Kakuban's Ozeki Goei Road was won by Goei Road. Goeido is a first-time star.
▽ Yokozuna Hakuho was closed from the 15th because of inflammation caused by bacteria entering the wound on the right heel.
北 Kitakatsu Fuji, who was scheduled to compete, lost a bye and won four consecutive victories from the first day.
妙 Myogi Ryu won the Yokozuna Crane Dragon, and Myogi Ryu won the extrude. Myogi Dragon is Venus for two consecutive days. On the other hand, Tsuruyu lost three as early as possible.