Sumo Sekiwaki Gyokai, the winner of the sumo tournament, talks about the desire to win No. 12

Sekiwaki Gyokai, who won the 2nd victory of the sumo tournament in Kyushu next month, met and expressed his desire to win the same 12th place.

Mitake Sea won the second victory in the fall place last month, winning 12 wins and 3 losses, winning the second victory, and became the east Sekiwaki in the ranking of Kyushu place announced on the 28th. I will play three roles in a row.

On the 28th, Mitakekai met at the dormitory room in Shingu Town, Fukuoka Prefecture and looked back on the victory of the destination location, saying, “It was easy to run because it was not a big favorite” I don't think it will lead to nature and white stars. "

In addition, Mitake Sea has won 21 wins in the two most recent locations in Sekiwaki, and until now, 33 wins, which are the standard for promotion of Ozeki, will require 12 wins.

Mitakeumi expressed his willingness to promote Ozeki, saying, “Because the three roles are long, I want to be able to win my own sumo and get 12 wins with a minimum of 10 wins.”

Furthermore, about the fact that the local Nagano Prefecture was damaged by the heavy rain caused by Typhoon No.19, “I hope that you will be able to show yourself that you are winning a little and get well. It was.

Sumo Kyushu Place will celebrate its first day at Fukuoka International Center in Fukuoka City on the 10th of next month.