DeNA Ramirez will continue next season to evaluate 2nd place this season 0:03 on Oct. 8

Pro Baseball DeNA coach Ramirez has decided to take command in the next season, the fifth year.

After the third round of the first stage of the climax series with Hanshin at the Yokohama Stadium on the night of the 7th, Ramirez received a request for continued investment from the owner of the team, Tomoko Minamiba, and accepted it.

The new contract is one year old.

Ramirez missed the league title this season, and the climax series was also defeated on the first stage.

Nevertheless, the team was highly regarded for their ability to lead the climax series at the Yokohama stadium, which is the first place in the team's history and the second place in the regular season.

Minamiba owner said, “There was a time when the team continued to lose and the team got excited, but it was inspiring and the results were firm without being shaken down. I appreciate what I have done. "

Ramirez says, “I want to look back on the starting pitcher and how to use the relief to make it a better team. I want to do my best to win the next season.”