Mr. Hayashi Hayashi as Assistant Deputy Secretary of the New Secretary Oct. 1 at 14:18

The government decided at the cabinet meeting on the 1st that Mr. Nobuyoshi Kanehara, Assistant Secretary of Foreign Affairs, retired, and succeeded the appointment of Mr. Hayashi Hayashi, who served as the secretary of prime minister in the first Abe cabinet. It was.

Mr. Hayashi, a new assistant assistant secretary, is 60 years old.

He entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1982 and served as the secretary of prime minister in the first Abe cabinet, as well as serving as the US Ambassador and the Director of the European Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Hayashi also serves as Deputy Director of the National Security Agency. Mr. Kanehara, who retired, served as Deputy Secretary-General in charge of diplomacy for about seven years since the establishment of the second Abe Cabinet in 2012, after serving as Director of the International Law Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This personnel will be announced on the day.