
The youngest foreign leader, 23 years old, is leading rhythmic gymnastics.

Reporter Kwon Jong-oh covered the coach of Lolina Rakikova, a Russian cultivator of the second Son Yeon Jae.


[Lalina Rakipova / Rhythmic Gymnastics National Team Coach (age 23: two-three-four-five)

According to the Russian command, the players move as fast as one body.

Lalina Rakipova, a Russian national coach, is 23 years old and the youngest leader in Korean sports.

It's only four or five years old than the players, but there's no room for `` teacher. ''

Since he played for active duty two years ago, he demonstrates himself, ordering plump, unique movements and delicate artistry.

[Seogoeun / Rhythmic Gymnastics National Team (18 years old): Very good coach and very passionate I think I improved a lot.]

At the end of the training, she communicates in Russian and makes friends like her sister.

As the players thanked each of the carefully folded pieces of paper, Coach Rakipova hugged the disciples and laughed.

[Lalina Rakipova / Rhythmic Gymnastics National Team Coach (23 years old): You can also talk secretly with the players because the age is not too short. The team atmosphere is warm and very good.]

Under the passionate coaching of the youngest coach, Korea Rhythmic Gymnastics is set to win the Tokyo Olympic Games at the World Championships next month.

[Lalina Rakipova / Rhythmic Gymnastics National Team Coach (23 years old): Please love Korea Rhythmic Gymnastics. Thank you.]

(Video coverage: Kim Heung-ki, Video editing: Park Chun-bae)