The 49-year-old veteran Choi Kyoung-joo of the PGA Tour made his debut in the top 10 for the first time this season.

Choi, who finished second in the top five in the final round, lost two shots to the fifth hole.

However, he was tied in the seventh and eighth holes in a row, losing one more in the second half to finish at 10th in the final round.

Although he was disappointed, Choi has succeeded in the top 10 in a year and a month since March last year.

After returning to the PGA Tour last February with his injury and thyroid cancer, he shot his best performance and signaled the resurrection.

The Taiwanese judge reported his first victory of his career, but the Taiwanese player has won the PGA Tour for 32 years.


Liverpool have taken the lead in the English Premier League after beating Cardiff City.

Liverpool were in the second half of the second half when Bayern Dum's opening goal came to an end.

Two-to-0 defeated Liverpool beat Manchester City in one game and took the lead.

Manchester United was losing four to zero in Everton.

In the 13th minute, Hyshilli Song's scissors kick gave United a 2-0 lead in the second half after Shigarderson had a shot.

Manchester United, who have not reduced their gap with Arsenal in the fourth round, have become more difficult to secure their place in the Champions League.


Milwaukee's Eric Teezs beat the Los Angeles Dodgers finishing Kelly Jensen in the eighth inning with five-to-two runs in the eighth inning.

The LA Dodgers also responded with a home run. The 9th time Bellin hit Josh Haydder to hit the final solo home run.

The Dodgers, who have won six to five, have maintained their lead in the Western League of the National League.