In order to support university students whose lives are becoming difficult due to the effects of the new coronavirus, organizations such as JA in Chiba Prefecture are conducting support activities to distribute food and drinks free of charge.

This initiative is being carried out by nine organizations, including JA, fishery cooperatives, and consumer cooperatives in Chiba Prefecture, in an attempt to support university students living alone who are having difficulty living due to reduced income from remittances and part-time jobs.

On the 30th, canned rice and sardines, as well as food and drinks such as ramen and pasta, were provided free of charge for about 900 people at the venue of Chiba University.

College students visited the venue at a pre-designated time to keep the venue crowded and packed food and drinks in bags.

The students who visited said, "I've run out of part-time jobs at restaurants, so I'm grateful for your support." Or "I can't go home easily and it's financially difficult. I'm especially grateful for rice." I did.

Katsumi Komotahama, Managing Director of JA Chiba Chuokai, said, "I wanted to help the students who are having a hard time in terms of the most important" food "in clothing, food and housing. I am glad that they are pleased."

Free distribution of food and drink at Chiba University will take place on the 30th and 31st for two days.