Due to the influence of the cold wave, the demand for heating is increasing, so the supply and demand of electricity in the Kansai Electric Power Company's jurisdiction temporarily became 96%.

For this reason, the company is taking measures such as receiving accommodation from other electric power companies.

Due to the effects of the cold wave, the temperature has dropped, and the demand for electricity within the Kansai Electric Power Company's jurisdiction is increasing more than expected.

For this reason, the "usage rate," which indicates the ratio of usage to the power supply capacity, temporarily became strict at 96% after 9 am.

Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. has received flexibility from Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc. and Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. in order to secure surplus supply capacity, and so far there is no problem with stable supply.

According to the forecast of "usage rate", it will be higher from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm on the 7th, and a cold wave will arrive on the 8th, and it is predicted that the temperature will drop and snowfall will occur.

For this reason, "Kansai Transmission and Distribution", which operates a power transmission and distribution business, is requesting that companies, mainly Kansai, which have their own power generation facilities, also accommodate power, and we would like to strive for a stable supply. ..