Typhoon No. 19 Disaster Garbage Even at a height of 2m in the park Fukushima Iwaki Nov. 12 9:57

11 days from Typhoon No.19 is a month. In Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, where rivers were flooded and flooded in a wide area, disposal of disaster waste brought in from damaged houses has become an issue.

Of these, in the Hiraikubo area where houses were flooded due to the flooding of the Natsui River, a month after the typhoon, there is still a lot of disaster waste brought from the affected houses.

In the park, TVs, beds, clothes, etc. are stacked to a height of about 2m, and some places overflow to the road, so you cannot play on the site.

Such a place is located 21 locations in the city, Iwaki City You are sequentially removed to the prospect of the end of the year.

A 72-year-old man who flooded the ground floor of his home to the floor said, “This month, I was chased by tidying up. It was in a blink of an eye. I want you to do something soon. "

An 81-year-old man whose house, which also served as a barber shop, was flooded to the floor, “I finally peeled off the floor of the house and throwed away the home appliances. I ca n’t afford it, so I ’m waiting for the customer, so I ’d like to get back to life as soon as possible, ”he said.