Damage to agriculture, forestry and fisheries due to typhoons and heavy rains

The amount of damage related to agriculture, forestry and fisheries caused by typhoon 19 and heavy rain last month has been 167.9 billion yen. The amount of damage combined with Typhoon No. 15 in September has exceeded 210 billion yen, but is expected to increase further in the future, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is urgently grasping the full extent of the damage.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the amount of damage related to agriculture, forestry and fisheries caused by typhoon No. 19 and heavy rain last week is 167.9 billion yen in 38 prefectures as of 7 am a day.

Of this, damage to agricultural facilities such as ponds and irrigation canals is the largest at around 65.1 billion yen, and damage to crops such as rice, apples and strawberries is over 11.6 billion yen.

Agricultural land, timber processing facilities, fishing ports, etc. are also damaged, and the amount of damage is expected to increase further, especially in areas where flooding has spread extensively.

The damage caused by agriculture, forestry and fisheries was 50.9 billion yen in Typhoon No. 15 in September, and the total damage amount has exceeded 210 billion yen, even if we know so far.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is exploring the full extent of the damage and is considering measures necessary for recovery, such as additional support for farmers.