“Use typhoon information for multilingual disaster prevention apps” Ministry of Justice Oct. 10 14:24

Following the approach of Typhoon No. 19, the Ministry of Justice is calling on foreign technical intern trainees and international students to collect information using multilingual disaster prevention apps.

This was made clear by the Minister of Justice Kawai at a press conference.

According to this, the Ministry of Justice should pay careful attention to weather information on typhoons for foreign technical intern trainees and international students, and use local governments and foreign technical internships to utilize multilingual disaster prevention apps operated by the Japan Tourism Agency. It means that we started calling on the 9th through related organizations and other related organizations.

It means that disaster prevention information is also transmitted on the homepage and SNS of the Ministry of Justice and the Immigration Bureau.

Kawai said, “Many foreigners are currently residing, and it is very important to provide information in the event of a disaster. We decided to proactively disseminate information in order to learn about the impact of the typhoon as soon as possible. We want you to collect weather information and transportation information through apps, etc. "