Typhoon damage Plant is gradually inundated into security camera Yokohama Kanazawa-ku September 12 19:19


A camera installed at a company in an industrial park in Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama, which was damaged by Typhoon No. 15, showed the gradual flooding of the site.

In the manufacturing company of components such as tracks in the industrial park of Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama and flooded the plant, in response to the control panel damage of a press in the production of parts, it continued to state that does not stand the prospect of resumption .

On the security camera installed near the entrance of the factory, the typhoon passed a picture of the early morning of 9th of this month, and the water was not accumulated at 2 am, but it was 2:40 am You can see that the green mat floated too much and the water started to accumulate.

Ten minutes later, it was flooded to a height of approximately 20 cm, and it was seen that the rain was violently recorded until 3:00 am until recording was interrupted by a power failure.

According to the company, the factory was finally flooded to the knee level.

“The factory is still inoperable due to seawater entering the control panel of the underground press, and the production line was shut down by a disaster with no experience, and the damage was immeasurable. "