Impact of heavy rain Delayed by courier service August 29, 11:55

Heavy rains have affected the delivery of luggage at major courier companies.

Saga Prefecture

Yamato Transport has closed its sales offices throughout the prefecture, and has ceased delivering and collecting packages. Japan Post and Sagawa Express are delayed in delivery in some areas of the prefecture.

Fukuoka Prefecture

Yamato Transport has delayed delivery in some areas of the prefecture. In some areas, such as Asakura City and Yame City, delivery and collection are canceled. Japan Post is delayed in some areas of the prefecture.

Nagasaki Prefecture

Yamato Transport has delayed delivery of luggage throughout the prefecture. Japan Post and Sagawa Express are delayed in delivery in some areas of the prefecture.

Oita Prefecture

Yamato Transport has stopped collection and delivery in some areas, such as Hita City and Nakatsu City. In addition, delivery of Japan Post is delayed in some areas of the prefecture.