Probability prediction of declined offer

The company that runs the job information website “Rikunavi” predicts the probability of declining the job offer of a student who is seeking employment, and the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare feels uneasy about the student that the company has sold to the company. After confirming that it was very regrettable, he confirmed the facts and showed his idea to give guidance to companies as needed.

Recruit Career, which operates a job information site “Rikunavi”, predicts the probability of declining a job offer for a student who is seeking employment using the site, and sells the data to the company without obtaining the student's consent. was doing.

Regarding this, the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare said at a press conference, “It is very regrettable that makes students feel uneasy about job hunting.”

In addition, “Use of personal information is required by law guidelines to obtain appropriate consent, such as obtaining the consent of the person. Confirm the facts with the prefectural labor bureau, and strictly confirm that violations are found. "I will give guidance etc." and confirmed the facts, and showed the idea to give guidance to companies as needed.