, June 6 According to the website of the Ministry of Education, in May 5, the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued the Action Plan for Deepening the Teaching Reform of Basic Education Curriculum, requiring schools in all regions to clarify the division of responsibilities, establish and improve the promotion mechanism, and continuously deepen the teaching reform of basic education courses.

The Action Plan for Deepening the Teaching Reform of Basic Education Curriculum includes four aspects: guiding ideology, action objectives, key tasks, and organization and implementation. The first part of the guiding ideology mainly includes the basic compliance and direction of promoting curriculum teaching reform; The second part of the action goal is to take action in response to the main problems existing in the current curriculum teaching reform, start the reform in 2023, and form a supporting normal long-term implementation working mechanism by 2027, and form a new atmosphere for the basic education curriculum teaching reform; The third part of the key tasks puts forward 14 measures from five aspects: curriculum plan implementation planning, teaching method reform, scientific literacy improvement, teaching evaluation traction, professional support and digital empowerment, firmly grasp the key links and key areas such as formulating curriculum implementation planning, implementing teaching reform, strengthening science education, and digitally empowering teaching, and promote the implementation of curriculum teaching reform; The fourth part of the organization and implementation mainly includes strengthening organizational leadership, condition guarantee, publicity and promotion, and providing guarantee for the smooth implementation of curriculum teaching reform.

Action Plan for Deepening Teaching Reform of Basic Education Curriculum

In order to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, implement the fundamental task of cultivating virtue and cultivating people, and run a satisfactory education for the people, the Ministry of Education decided to promote the implementation of the "Action to Deepen the Reform of Basic Education Curriculum and Teaching" and formulated this action plan.

1. Guiding ideology

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhere to educating people for the party and the country, comprehensively implement the party's education policy, implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people, develop quality education, and promote educational equity. Deepen the reform of curriculum teaching, strengthen mechanism innovation, guide and mobilize all localities and schools to deepen the reform of key links and key areas of education, update educational concepts, change the way of education, resolutely reverse the tendency of one-sided examination-oriented education, effectively improve the level of education, and promote the all-round development of students' moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor development.

Second, the objectives of action

Launched in 2023, it will continue to promote the deepening reform of basic education curriculum teaching in an organized manner. By 2027, form a supporting normal long-term implementation work mechanism, and cultivate a number of typical regions and schools that will implement the new curriculum in depth; A number of education and teaching cases with remarkable achievements in teaching style reform and effective implementation of education requirements were found in the summary; Profound changes have taken place in teachers' teaching behavior and students' learning styles, the atmosphere of reform and innovation of teaching and learning methods has become increasingly strong, and the teaching reform of basic education courses has formed a new atmosphere.

3. Key tasks

(1) Planning actions for the transformation of curriculum plans

In the process of curriculum implementation, effectively strengthen the transformation of national curriculum programs into local and school curriculum implementation plans. Adhere to the principle of "one plan for one place" and "one school, one policy" according to local conditions, refine the "blueprint" for educating people formulated by the state into the "construction drawing" for local and school education, clarify the specific lines and measures for curriculum teaching reform, and put forward strategies to solve difficult problems. Adhere to evidence-based decision-making, improve the monitoring and feedback mechanism, and continuously optimize and improve the curriculum implementation plan.

1. Develop a regional plan for curriculum implementation. Provincial-level education administrative departments earnestly implement the main responsibility for curriculum construction and management, and clarify local and school responsibilities. According to the national curriculum plan, the implementation of compulsory education national, local, and school-based curricula and the implementation of compulsory, optional compulsory and optional courses in ordinary high schools are planned as a whole, with emphasis on giving autonomy to local and school curricula. Comprehensively grasp the current situation of basic education curriculum teaching reform in the region, analyze the major and difficult problems in the process of promoting curriculum teaching reform, carry out extensive and in-depth professional investigation and research, strengthen rigorous argumentation, establish evidence-based decision-making mechanisms, and compile provincial compulsory education curriculum implementation measures and general high school curriculum implementation guidelines.

2. Develop a school plan for curriculum implementation. Local education administrative departments and professional institutions at all levels urge and guide schools to plan school curricula and their implementation according to school conditions based on the school-running philosophy and students' development needs according to the training goals. The school aims to promote the comprehensive and individualized development and healthy growth of students, implement the national curriculum with high quality, build a school-based curriculum, transform the curriculum concepts and principles into specific educational practical activities, build a curriculum education system that reflects the characteristics of the school, and pay attention to continuous optimization. Ensure the full implementation of the national curriculum during the compulsory education phase, focusing on the integration of local curricula and school-based curricula; On the basis of ensuring that compulsory courses are well opened, ordinary high schools pay attention to adapting to students' strengths and development needs, provide hierarchical classification, rich and diverse elective courses, and form a series of courses that reflect the characteristics of the school.

3. Improve the monitoring system for curriculum implementation. Carry out curriculum implementation monitoring at the national and provincial levels, develop and monitor key indicators, focus on monitoring curriculum implementation and students' core literacy development, form feedback and improvement mechanisms, and provide reference for effectively promoting curriculum implementation.

(Deployment arrangements will be made by May 2023 and will continue to be promoted through 5.) )

(2) Teaching style reform actions

Implement curriculum plans and curriculum standards, comprehensively promote the reform of teaching methods, focus on solving difficult problems through pilot pilot and demonstration guidance of experimental schools in experimental areas, and promote the extensive participation of schools in various places through the selection of high-quality courses and the promotion and application of teaching achievements, continuously deepen teaching reform, and improve teaching quality.

4. Implement teaching reform to tackle difficult points. The Ministry of Education selects a number of national-level experimental areas and schools for basic education teaching reform, and administrative departments at all levels of education combine local conditions to set up a number of experimental areas and experimental schools, rely on professional institutions to establish guidance and support mechanisms, focus on core literacy-oriented teaching design, subject practice (experimental teaching), interdisciplinary theme learning, homework design, examination propositions, comprehensive quality evaluation and other key and difficult issues in teaching reform, and explore the practice mode of effectively promoting teaching reform in regions and schools at different levels of development.

5. Expand the scale of selection of high-quality courses. With the selection of excellent courses in basic education as the starting point, guide teachers to deeply study the content of course teaching materials and classroom teaching rules, innovate teaching design and teaching methods, and encourage and guide each teacher to actively participate in the selection of excellent courses at all levels. Organize excellent course display and exchange activities at all levels, carry out teaching lectures and evaluations, demonstrate and drive teachers to change teaching and learning methods, respect the main position of students, give play to the leading role of teachers, pay attention to heuristic, interactive and inquiry-based teaching, overcome the phenomenon of simple teachers talking about students' listening, teaching knowledge and knowledge, and guide students to think actively, actively ask questions, and explore independently.

6. Implement the promotion and application plan of excellent teaching achievements. Comprehensively summarize the experience and application mode of the demonstration area for the promotion and application of teaching achievements, and further expand the scope and projects of promotion and application. Implement the Midwest Teaching Support Plan, select a number of teaching reform achievements applicable to the Midwest region, increase the promotion and application, and promote the "localization" of the results.

(Deployment arrangements will be made by May 2023 and will continue to be promoted through 5.) )

(3) Actions to improve scientific literacy

Implement the strategic requirements of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the trinity layout of education, science and technology, and talents, and deepen the reform of science education in primary and secondary schools in view of problems such as talking more and doing less, and students' lack of intrinsic interest in science and technology, strengthening middle school, using middle school, and creating middle school, stimulating young people's curiosity, imagination, and desire for exploration, improving students' ability to solve practical problems, and developing students' scientific literacy.

7. Strengthen the teaching of science subjects. Guide local governments to develop science courses and supplement science teachers in a variety of ways. Strengthen interdisciplinary comprehensive teaching, and select and promote a number of excellent cases of interdisciplinary comprehensive practical teaching. Strengthen experimental teaching, strengthen students' hands-on experiments, incorporate the opening of school experimental courses into teaching visual guidance and daily supervision, and incorporate experimental operations into the middle school entrance examination. Strengthen the practical activities of science education, select a number of science and technology museums, museums, research bases, high-tech enterprises, etc., as the practice base of science education in primary and secondary schools, combine science curriculum standards, design corresponding scientific practice activities, and organize students to learn through practical inquiry.

8. Continue to carry out in-depth popular science education. On the national primary and secondary school smart education platform, set up a special column for popular science education, and build a number of high-quality online popular science education resources around basic disciplines such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry, and cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence, aerospace, and life sciences; Continue to carry out the "Science Open Class" activity, and organize 30-40 academicians and experts to record open courses on popular science education by theme and section every year in conjunction with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Engineering and universities; Promote primary and secondary schools to regularly carry out activities such as science and technology festivals, scientific and technological inventions, popular science reading, and finding the most admired scientists, guide students to establish scientific ideals, and actively carry out scientific innovation and practical activities. Promote the opening of university laboratories, vocational college training centers, museums, science and technology museums and high-tech enterprises to ordinary primary and secondary schools.

9. Strengthen the allocation and use of teaching equipment. According to curriculum standards, improve the allocation standards for teaching equipment for related disciplines, develop basic catalogs of experimental teaching in primary and secondary schools, promote local efforts to strengthen the construction of laboratories in primary and secondary schools, support the exploration and construction of discipline-functional classrooms, comprehensive laboratories, innovation laboratories, educational maker spaces, etc., encourage multi-functional technological transformation of ordinary classrooms, and build a composite comprehensive experimental teaching environment. Carry out monitoring of the compliance rate and utilization rate of teaching equipment to ensure the normal development of experimental teaching. Select a group of distinctive high-level science education and artificial intelligence education primary and secondary school bases.

(Deployment arrangements will be made by May 2023 and will continue to be promoted through 5.) )

(4) Teaching evaluation leads action

Pay attention to the teaching evaluation of core literacy, give play to the guidance, diagnosis and feedback role of evaluation, enrich innovative evaluation methods, pay attention to process evaluation, and realize the promotion of teaching and learning by evaluation, and promote the all-round development of students.

10. Improve teachers' teaching evaluation capabilities. Guide localities and schools to establish and improve systems for principals, teaching administrators, and teaching researchers to listen to and evaluate lessons, clarify the elements and requirements of teaching evaluation, make full use of artificial intelligence and big data technology, strengthen process and value-added evaluation, and pay attention to giving play to the guidance, diagnosis, improvement and incentive role of teaching evaluation. Guide schools in all regions to make good use of the basic homework commissioned by the Ministry of Education, guide teachers to improve the level of teaching design and homework design, encourage scientific design of inquiry and practical homework, and explore the design of interdisciplinary comprehensive homework; Promote the extensive display and exchange of high-quality operation design in various places, and strengthen operation design training.

11. Improve and refine student evaluation. Implement the relevant requirements on student evaluation in the "Guidelines for the Evaluation of the Quality of Compulsory Education" and the "Guidelines for the Evaluation of the Quality of Running Schools in Ordinary High Schools", establish a self-assessment system for the quality evaluation guidelines of compulsory education, research and formulate the "Implementation Guidelines for the Comprehensive Quality Assessment of Middle School Students", guide all schools in all regions to study and judge the standards, rectify according to the standards, guide the majority of teachers to pay attention to process, practical and developmental evaluation, and promote the all-round and healthy development of students.

(Deployment arrangements will be made by May 2023 and will continue to be promoted through 5.) )

(5) Professional support and digital empowerment actions

Improve the professional level of teachers and teaching researchers, ensure high-quality implementation of curriculum and teaching reform requirements, further promote the digitalization of education, and promote the deep integration of information technology and education and teaching.

12. Carry out teacher demand-oriented curriculum implementation ability training. In teacher training at all levels, carry out special training in teacher evaluation ability, digital literacy, science education, etc., and organize special training for the actual needs of rural areas, ethnic areas, and weak schools, so as to effectively improve teacher education and teaching capabilities. Continue to collect questions and excellent lesson examples from teachers, adopt the ideas of "teachers answer questions, experts answer questions" and "everyone answers questions, and those who can answer questions", develop and select basic education curriculum textbook training courses on a rolling basis, and rely on the national primary and secondary school smart education platform to organize and carry out national-level demonstration training to ensure full coverage of grassroots front-line teachers. Actively promote the integration of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and fifth-generation mobile communication technology (5G) with the construction of the teaching team, and accelerate the formation of new paths and new models for the construction of the teaching team with new technologies.

(Deployment arrangements will be made by May 2023 and will continue to be promoted through 5.) )

13. Strengthen the professional guidance of teaching and research. Strengthen the construction of teaching and research teams, strictly implement access standards, improve the selection and allocation methods and withdrawal mechanisms for teaching and research personnel, and establish a high-quality, professional and innovative teaching and research team that combines full-time and part-time. Promote innovation in teaching and research methods, open online teaching and research columns on the national primary and secondary school smart education platform, regularly organize and carry out national and regional teaching and research activities, provide a platform for teachers' daily teaching and research, and enhance teaching case display and discussion exchanges. Build a teaching and research base for basic education disciplines, establish regional teaching and research alliances, and strengthen collaborative teaching and research. Promote the establishment of a bottom-up selection mechanism for teaching and research in all schools in various regions, ask the needs of the school and the needs of the teachers, normalize and effectively carry out regional teaching and research and school-based teaching and research, and guide the majority of teachers to continuously improve their teaching ability in the process of participating in teaching and research. Establish and improve the training and exchange mechanism for teaching and research personnel at all levels, and continuously improve the ability of teaching researchers to serve the teaching reform of courses. Encourage the exploration of the establishment of a rotation exchange mechanism for senior teachers in schools to teaching and research institutions.

(Deployment arrangements will be made by May 2023 and will continue to be promoted through 5.) )

14. Promote the improvement of digitally-enabled teaching quality. Make full use of digitalization to empower basic education, promote the wide application of digitalization in expanding teaching time and space, sharing high-quality resources, optimizing course content and teaching process, optimizing students' learning methods, and accurately carrying out teaching evaluation, so as to promote teaching to better adapt to new requirements such as knowledge innovation and literacy formation and development, build a new teaching and learning model in the context of digitalization, and help improve teaching efficiency and quality. Establish and make good use of the national smart education platform for primary and secondary schools, enrich all kinds of high-quality education and teaching resources, and guide teachers to effectively and normally apply them in daily teaching. Comprehensively summarize the experience of the experimental area of "New Teaching and Learning Model Based on Teaching Reform and Integration of Information Technology", and launch a number of typical cases of digital applications.

(Deployment arrangements will be made by May 2023 and will continue to be promoted through 6.) )

4. Organization and implementation

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership

All localities should regard the Action Plan as an important measure to implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress. Clarify the division of responsibilities, establish and improve the promotion mechanism, refine the implementation measures, strengthen work guidance, solidly and continuously advance, and continuously deepen the curriculum teaching reform.

(2) Strengthen safeguards for conditions

All localities and schools should ensure that conditions such as funding, staffing, and equipment and facilities are in place, and strengthen the overall allocation of resources required for key tasks. It is necessary to rely on professional institutions, cooperate with teaching and research institutions, scientific research institutes, colleges and universities, training, electronic education, equipment and other departments, coordinate and cooperate to form an expert team, form a professional supporting force for basic education curriculum teaching reform, and do a good job in curriculum implementation guidance.

(3) Strengthen publicity and promotion

All localities should sum up good experience and good practices in a timely manner, regularly organize various seminars, exchanges, training and training activities, use modern network information technology to share high-quality education and teaching resources, increase publicity and promotion of typical experiences and excellent achievements, give play to the role of demonstration and leading radiation, and promote the balanced development of education.