Europe 1 12:01, 04 June 2023

Manuel Bompard, MP for Bouches-du-Rhône and coordinator of the France insoumise, was the guest of the Grand Rendez-vous d'Europe 1/CNews/Les Échos this Sunday. Asked about the issue of immigration in France, he does not believe "that there is today in France, as I read on the right or the far right, a migratory submersion".

While the government has relaunched "consultations" in the hope of presenting a draft law on immigration in July in France, the various political parties are also trying to make progress on this very sensitive issue. Republicans have announced plans to introduce two bills by the summer. The rebellious France has been more discreet on the subject but Manuel Bompard, coordinator of the party and deputy of Bouches-du-Rhône, assures the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk "have no problem talking about immigration". Guest of the Grand Rendez-vous d'Europe 1/CNews/Les Échos this Sunday, he recalled the positions defended by LFI.

>> READ ALSO - Article 1 of the Liot bill not debated? Manuel Bompard denounces a "democratic robbery"

A question of national sovereignty

"A consensus with the proposals that are those of Gérald Darmanin seems impossible to me because I fight them," he says, critically. In question: proposals that he considers drawn from the proposals of the Republicans, themselves "taken up on the program of Marine Le Pen of the last presidential election". In this sense, for example, the MEP does not wish to go back on state medical aid, which is regularly weighed in the balance, particularly for illegal foreigners.

The question of immigration is also a question of national sovereignty and on this point the coordinator of the rebellious France wishes to be clear: "Fortunately not[European law does not take precedence over national law, but it seems to me that we participate in a certain number of international or European agreements that guarantee a certain number of elementary rights and we must rather fight to protect them rather than to question them," he explains.

For Manuel Bompard, if it is essential to reflect on refugee flows, especially with the climate crisis that is getting worse, it is also necessary to discuss current national issues, namely: the health system, inflation and rising wages.