The methods used by the municipality have included reconnaissance and documentation when incorrect payments of financial assistance are suspected.

"The Ombudsman calls it reconnaissance and we relate to it. We will not continue with these methods, says Chairman of the Municipal Executive Board Sophia Jarl (M) during the press conference.

"Direct the focus correctly"

Sophia Jarl (M) also addresses previous criticism that the Ombudsman has made about the police not doing enough to solve welfare crimes and believes that the police need to be given targeted resources to be able to work properly.

"In the past, the Ombudsman has criticised the police for not doing enough and now they are criticising Norrköping municipality for doing too much," she says.

Anna Selander, Municipal Director of Norrköping, believes that they will develop new working methods, but that a judicial review needs to be made before the methods come into force.