Beijing, May 5 (Zhongxin Net) -- The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) announced on May 31 that the five-episode series of micro-documentaries "Daqi", which focuses on the construction and operation of large scientific installations, produced by the Science Communication Bureau of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and produced by the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has premiered on the whole network on the seventh National Science and Technology Workers Day on "May 5" this year.

As the main force of national strategic science and technology forces, the Chinese Academy of Sciences plays a core backbone role in the construction and operation of large scientific devices, that is, major national science and technology infrastructure. The documentary aims to comprehensively display the construction and operation of major national scientific and technological infrastructure undertaken by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as the outstanding achievements in scientific and technological innovation in different fields in recent years, and witness China's scientific and technological strength.

The latest series of micro-documentaries "Big Instrument" covers 500 national major scientific and technological infrastructures, such as the 26-meter aperture spherical radio telescope (FAST), known as the "eye of China's sky", the new generation of "artificial sun" all-superconducting tokamak nuclear fusion experimental device, and the comprehensive extreme conditions experimental device, and according to the application fields and characteristics, a total of five episodes are set up to present the themes of "Foot of Finding the Realm", "Eye of Deep Space", "Boat of Life", "Light of Energy" and "Microscopic Key".

Screenshot of the "Big Instrument" series of micro-documentaries. Photo courtesy of Chinese Academy of Sciences

The first episode of the series of micro-documentaries, "Feet of Seeking Territory", focuses on the sea and air fields, introducing China's major scientific and technological infrastructure in deep-sea, aviation and space environment monitoring, including the marine science comprehensive research vessel "Science", the manned submersible "Striver", the aerial remote sensing system, and the large-scale space environment ground-based monitoring system "Meridian Project", etc., showing how to use large scientific devices to broaden the boundaries of human exploration of nature.

Since May 5, the "Daqi" series of micro-documentaries will be broadcast online every Tuesday, and viewers can search for "Daqi" on the whole network to watch it.

Screenshot of the "Big Instrument" series of micro-documentaries. Photo courtesy of Chinese Academy of Sciences

It is understood that as a large-scale complex scientific research device or system built by the state and relying on high-level innovation subjects, major scientific and technological infrastructure can transform cutting-edge scientific theories into actual scientific and technological achievements, solve major problems related to national security and social development, and help solve many specific problems encountered in economic and social development. (End)