When they came to the mainland, they witnessed the rapid development and progress of the motherland, made new friends, condensed new emotions, and felt the enthusiasm and warmth of their compatriots. They are the "communicators" of cross-strait integration and development, and the "disseminators" of positive energy. The voices of young people on both sides of the strait should be listened to by you and me. China News Network specially launched the "Youth Listening • Cross-Strait" integrated media column to jointly record the true voices of young people on both sides of the strait.

Beijing, 5 May (Zhongxin Net) -- In recent years, more and more Taiwanese cultural and artistic talents have chosen to come to the mainland to pursue their dreams. On stage, they are full of youth. What are the most memorable experiences in the mainland? Recently, three young Taiwanese guests appeared on the China News Network's "Qinglisten, Cross-Strait" column and shared their stories and experiences in the mainland.

Taiwanese youth Tsai Xuanxuan was a guest on the China News Network's "Qinglisten: Cross-Strait" column. Photo by Cao Miaoxin

Martial arts action actor Chen Zhuyin: lamented the abundance of martial arts talents in the mainland

Chen Zhuyin, born in Taiwan, grew up in Taiwan. After graduating from National Taiwan University, she became a martial arts stuntman. She started her career in Taiwan and then in Hong Kong until more recently, when she shifted her career focus to the mainland. During his work in the mainland, he has rich experience in cooperation with mainland directors and entertainers.

One of her most memorable experiences was in Yunnan, when while filming an action movie, the crew invited a large number of wuxing (action stuntmen in charge of martial arts movements). On the set, every martial artist has a unique skill, and most of them graduated from professional martial arts schools, which made Chen Zhuyin can't help but sigh that there are basically no children who have started practicing martial arts since childhood in Taiwan or Hong Kong.

During the filming process, the solid basic skills of the martial artists made Chen Zhuyin praise endlessly. She said, "The actors are all stunning, but very unpretentious, and everyone is working very seriously and contributing. ”

After working in the mainland for several years, Chen Zhuyin felt that there are many talents in the mainland, "Among the 14.<> billion people, you have all kinds of talents, especially in the area of traditional martial arts protection." ”

As a Taiwanese actor, she will also work harder and accumulate thick and thin, hoping to seize the development opportunities of living in the mainland and present more excellent works to the audience.

Director Xue Yingyu: Empathy with the team in the collision of ideas

In 2017, Taiwanese young director Xue Yingyu came to Wuhan to start a business. Last year, his directorial debut, the online movie "Azalea in Dreams", was launched.

This film tells the love story of an old couple in the 80s of last century, and the film incorporates "Han" elements such as Wuhan Qingshan Red House, Old Streets and Alleys and many "Taiwanese" elements. The style of the film not only integrates Taiwan's small fresh style, but also mixes the local historical and cultural elements of Wuhan.

During the filming process, Xue Yingyu clearly felt that she needed to face "challenges" in terms of thought, language and life background, as well as in the process of communicating with mainland colleagues. He needs to communicate and coordinate with more than 50 staff members, and in the face of colleagues from different continents who grew up in different environments, he said that if you have an inclusive attitude to re-learn, you will get unexpected gains. In this process, Xue Yingyu felt the empathy generated by the collision of ideas and exchanges with the team.

Because of the film, Xue Yingyu said that this film can give him a deeper understanding of the motherland, and in his opinion, the two sides of the strait are connected, "because both sides of the strait are one family, and blood is thicker than water."

Although he encountered some difficulties during the shooting, he believes that as long as he works with his partner, the difficulties will be solved, even if he has the opportunity to challenge more difficult films in the future, which is the biggest gain for him.

Taiwanese student Cai Xuanxuan: Rehearsing with mainland classmates "It's important to be together"

Also chasing her dream on the mainland is Taiwanese student Cai Xuanxuan, who is currently studying for graduate school in the musical theater department of the Central Academy of Drama. She has also participated in many performances before, but the most memorable thing for her was the scene when she rehearsed the graduation drama with her classmates in her senior year.

At that time, they were rehearsing an original musical, the plot was based on the real stories that happened around each classmate, and the whole process required writing and revising the script themselves, and they also encountered many difficulties. And in this drama, he is also starring in his true colors. She recalled that at that time, in order to fully prepare for the play, sometimes rehearsals even lasted from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m., so tired that they slept on the floor in the rehearsal venue.

Although Cai Xuanxuan and her classmates were busy for a long time at that time, Cai Xuanxuan emphasized that what impressed her most during that time was that "it is important for everyone to be together", and the motivation of the classmates to work together to prepare for the graduation drama made her feel that as long as she worked hard with her classmates, she would be full of energy. (End)