Peter Berglund lives with his wife Gunilla in a house in Östanbäck, a few miles northwest from Sundsvall. Tied electricity price with relatively small living space, 70 square meters, and a well-stocked wood hill means that the energy cost is low for the house: just over 6,000 KWh per year.

He doesn't understand why he even got an electricity subsidy.

"The money should go to those who really need it. This annoys me a lot," he says.

According to his own calculation, it is about a couple of million electricity customers with tied contracts who received the money.

Donate support to charity

Instead of appealing the decision and sending the money back to the state, he intends to give away the support money to some organization or association that works with, as he says, develops people and works with humanity.

Or not quite the whole sum, 100 of the 1,100 support crowns he intends to keep himself.

– As damages. For negligence in politics.

Peter Berglund feels almost sorry for the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, which he believes has much more important things to work with than distributing electricity subsidy money. Photo: SVT