"I thought that the president would establish good relations with neighboring countries through negotiations, but I have not heard that she did anything that could benefit Georgia in its relations with Armenia, Azerbaijan or Russia," he said at a briefing, RIA Novosti quoted him as saying.

Journalists asked Gaiashvili whether Zurabishvili remains persona non grata for the airline.

The head of the company replied that, based on the president's speeches at the Independence Day celebration on May 26, where she condemned the ruling authorities for foreign policy, he feared that Zurabishvili would be persona non grata not only for the company, but for the whole country.

Earlier, Georgian Airways declared Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili persona non grata after it boycotted the company and refused its services.

Zurabishvili said that she would no longer use the services of Georgian Airways due to the fact that she began to fly to Russia.

On May 26, she called for the introduction of legal restrictions against Russians in Georgia.