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History is full of mothers whose best works are their daughters. There would be no Kardashians without Kris, Charlotte without Carolina or Bella and Gigi without the simpar Yolanda Hadid. And then there's the Preysler. Three are Isabel's daughters and only one seems to want to pick up the baton from mom. However, when it seemed that the transfer of power between Isabel Preysler (72) and Tamara Falcó (41) seemed to be beginning, it turned out that it was not. Neither one intends to retire nor the other can take over. The announcement by Disney+ of areality show about Isabel reinforces this argument. Tamara has already had two.

Of the first, the ridiculous We love Tamara, nobody remembers anymore. The second, Tamara Falcó: the Marchioness, on Netflix, was soon annulled by Tamara's concatenation of real-life ("real") events: her enthusiasm for marriage, the catch of her fiancé in flagrant infidelity, the consequent and forceful rupture that was then not so forceful, the return to calm and, after a few more minor episodes, The drama of the wedding dress.

Then came the pilgrimage of the fiancé to Lourdes, the new and more rounded figure of Tamara and the tired advances of the next episodes of The Inconsequential Adventures of Tamara, soon on their screens: it does not fit in the dress, it submits to a draconian diet, finally fits, it marries, etc etc.

Tamara's life is more reality than a reality show about Tamara's life. We seem to know everything about her. Since he crashed his car into the Starbucks on Fuencarral Street, his figure halfway between a person and a cartoon has only grown.

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In the place that Tamara burst with her Mini there is now another establishment, but at mom's house the business remains the same. Isabel Preysler has managed to maintain her profitable aura of mystery in a universe in which, for example, not being on Instagram is commercial suicide. The closest thing to an official profile that Preysler has in that network is the pocha account of its cosmetics business, which brings together less than 100,000 followers.

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On Instagram, Yolanda Hadid has almost 9 million and Kris Jenner exceeds 52. Georgina is around 50 and Ester Expósito is moving towards 30. At her side, Tamara Falcó's 1.5 million are relatively few but only hers. For the younger generations Isabel Preysler is Tamara's mother and not the other way around.

For these people Chábeli Iglesias Preysler, a fundamental character in the evolution of the heart industry in Spain, is barely recorded. On March 13, 1997, when the first daughter of Isabel Preysler and Julio Iglesias angrily left the set of Tómbola, the information of the heart changed forever. La Preysler was already the best-known woman in the country. A quarter of a century later it still is. If not what would Disney sell his project with her as what it is: an event.

Tamara Falcó on Sunday of last week, at the airport to fly to New York.GTRES

Few people deserve a biography (unauthorized, of course) more than Preysler. It is relevant for many things and some are very uncomfortable for those who, from supposedly progressive positions, consider her an icon of the most rancid Spain: from her matriarchy (Isabel's nuclear family consists of her and the children she has born, period) to a very dignified and at the same time revolutionary redefinition of widowhood.

We will never know if all these facets that make China a character to claim are the result of calculation or luck. Nor if the legends around his person are true. Tamara, theoretical heir of all that intangible capital, has no magic at all. What you see is what there is and you see it at all times and in all places. There is no room for speculation because, as a product of the era of reality shows, stories and Save me, Tamara is very exposed.

Above, in the list of children of Isabel Preysler, she has touched the worst position: between the hilarious and, as Anabel Pantoja would say, "quiet at work" Julio José and Ana Boyer. University student, mother and married to an athlete as discreet as wealthy, Ana is the perfect doña of the Elizabethan line of succession. Caught between the invincible glamour of being the son of Julio Iglesias and the irritating perfection of Ana, the insubstantial Tamara has neither fit nor character.

My theory about it is cruel: like those animals that remove their weakest young from the nest to ensure that the strong ones survive, Isabel focused on Ana, giving Tamara for lost. But I didn't count on the fact that the world of the heart was changing forever. With the Kardashians, a new concept of fame took hold, based on the constant creation of, as Netflix or Disney + would say, content.

Isabel Preysler's capital of ancient fame is so high that she can afford to live on her income and oblivious to all that. However, Tamara does not have that reservoir of relevance. That is why it is obliged to be a famous content generator. Isabel Preysler, who made gold selling toilets and chocolates in the old way, all this must give her a lot of laughter. Or maybe she's worried about who will sit on her porcelain throne when she's gone.

  • Isabel Preysler
  • Tamara Falcó

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