The strong links between stress and sleep

As we saw in the introduction, rest is a natural phenomenon and essential to the regeneration of the organism and its vital functions. Sleep triggers several successive cycles of 60 to 120 minutes, each of which consists of 2 main phases: slow wave sleep (light sleep and deep sleep) and REM sleep. Also, you will understand: the disruption of this cycle can cause a form of chronic insomnia.

Thus, it has been shown that stress would have close links with sleep disorders: a state of anxiety often causes difficulty falling asleep and is even the cause of nocturnal awakenings. Result: the higher the state of stress, the worse the night, the more the level of anxiety of the individual increases... And the vicious circle sets in. This is why it can be useful to turn to nutritional supplements, such as those from the Synergia laboratory.

How to successfully reduce stress and sleep better?

Of course, there are some daily physical activities to work on stress management: for example, relaxation activities such as yoga or sophrology. More generally, the practice of a sports activity can also help to evacuate the tension accumulated during the day. However, it is not recommended to perform any physical activity in the evening, in order to allow the heart rate to return to a normal rhythm.

It should also be noted that diet plays a key role in our health – and therefore, indirectly on the quality of our sleep. It is therefore essential to provide our body with a number of nutrients (such as vitamins of group B, vitamin C, slow sugars, magnesium, etc.). We will also avoid stimulants, alcohol and bad fats (contained in particular in processed foods and dishes, to avoid absolutely!).

What is the interest of magnesium for the body?

Magnesium has been repeatedly shown to play a major role in combating stress and sleep disorders. A magnesium deficiency (85% of the population) tends to increase a person's vulnerability to stress. This stress will lead to an increase in the level of adrenaline and cortisol (stress hormones), which will cause the elimination through the urine of magnesium present in the body. To effectively fight against the emergence of chronic stress, we recommend a 3rd generation organic magnesium supplementation, perfectly assimilated by the body and with a good digestive tolerance. This will avoid taking a so-called "inorganic" magnesium (such as magnesium oxide or marine magnesium).

Health professionals tend to recommend certain products in particular, such as D-Stress SLEEP from the Synergia laboratory, which effectively and sustainably treats sleep disorders, thanks to a synergy of 3rd generation magnesium, bioavailable and well tolerated, and Eschscholtzia californica (California poppy). D-Stress SLEEP, without addiction and without side effects, does not contain melatonin, a molecule contraindicated in many patients suffering from inflammatory or autoimmune diseases. In addition, French regulations provide for a maximum dosage equivalent to 2 mg, which is insufficient to obtain a significant effect on falling asleep.

You now know more about the link between stress and sleep disorders and the solutions that will allow you to best manage these disorders: relaxing activities, regular sleep pattern, regular sports activity, healthy and balanced diet rich in nutrients and magnesium supplementation.