What causes shoulder pain? And how to get rid of them at home? And what is the cause of a crack in the shoulder? How do I know if the pain is caused by the shoulder or the heart?

Shoulder pain

Most shoulder problems affect a small area, should last for a relatively short time, and are associated with shoulder pain.

But sometimes, shoulder pain can be part of a larger, long-term problem, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatic muscle pain, according to Versus Arthritis.

It is very common for people with rheumatoid arthritis to experience pain and swelling in their shoulders.

Shoulders are less likely to develop osteoarthritis than other joints, unless you've had it in the past.

Causes of shoulder pain

There are many possible causes of shoulder pain, such as:

  • Inflammation, where your shoulder becomes hot, red, swollen and painful, in a normal reaction to an infection or injury.
  • Damage to the muscles and tendons around the shoulder.
  • Muscle tension between the neck and shoulder, usually due to your position in your upper back or neck, and often related to the way you stand or sit when using a computer or at work.
  • Bursitis, a cushion filled with fluid that usually helps muscles and tendons glide smoothly over the shoulder bones.
  • Damage to bone and cartilage, which can result from arthritis.
  • It's also possible that the pain you feel in your shoulder is caused by a problem with another part of your body, such as your neck.

How to get rid of shoulder pain at home?

There are several ways you can relieve shoulder pain while at home:


Simple painkillers, such as paracetamol, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as tablets and ibuprofen gel, can help relieve pain.

Your pharmacist can usually advise you on what works for you, but don't work on their advice for more than two weeks without asking for further medical advice.

Heat or cold therapy

An ice pack may be helpful if your shoulder hurts after a minor injury or if it is swollen and warmer than the other shoulder.

You can apply cold compresses to the site of pain for no more than 20 minutes, and heat compresses can help treat most other types of shoulder pain, especially if you feel inflammation and tension in your muscles.

Change of position

Poor posture can exacerbate your shoulder problems. Try these tips:

  • When you sit down, try to avoid bending forward.
  • Constantly change your situation.
  • Sit upright.
  • When sitting, support your lower back with a pillow to improve upper body posture.
  • If your arm hurts, hold it in a comfortable position using a pillow either next to you or on your lap.

Reduce pressure

In general, it's best to continue with your normal activities as much as you can, but don't overdo it. And there are ways in which you can perform certain tasks in a way that does not hurt your shoulder:

  • For example, when vacuuming, keep your body upright and don't take the vacuum cleaner away from your body, so you don't have to make movements that hurt your shoulders.
  • Use a trolley to carry items when shopping, and you can divide the weight between two bags and carry one in each hand. In any case, be sure to distribute the burden of what you want to carry over your entire body.
  • When using the phone, do not place it on your shoulder and hold it on your cheek. If you use the phone a lot, use the headphones.
  • Avoid any manual work that may hurt you.

When did the doctor go back for shoulder pain?

Call emergency immediately if your shoulder pain is accompanied by difficulty breathing or chest tightness, as this may indicate a heart attack.

Unless you've had a serious injury or you're experiencing sudden, persistent pain, you can usually treat your shoulder pain without having to see your doctor.

If you feel unimproved, after two weeks of treating yourself at home, you should see your doctor or physical therapist. Also, you should see your doctor as soon as possible if you:

  • You experience severe pain in both shoulders.
  • You also have pain in your thighs.
  • You feel feverish or unwell.

What causes right shoulder pain with arm?

Shoulder pain can spread to your arm, and you may feel a condition that affects the upper arm around your shoulder, according to a report in Healthline.

Here are some of the causes of pain in your right shoulder and arm:

1- Rotator cuff disease

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that maintain the bone of the upper arm (humerus) in the shoulder cavity. Rotator cuff tissue may become ill due to overuse or injury, for example, and can lead to:

  • Tendinitis in which the tendons of the rotator cuff become irritated and inflamed.
  • Bursitis, a fluid-filled sac that helps the rotator cuff move freely.
  • Impingement is where a part of your shoulder blade called acromia rubs against the rotator cuff tissue, leading to swelling and pain.

2- Torn rotator cuff

3- Clavicle fracture

4- Fracture of the upper arm

5- Frozen shoulder

It occurs when your shoulder stiffens and becomes painful for no known reason, and inflammation usually plays a role. The condition often gradually eases on its own.

6- Calcified tendinitis

It is a condition in which calcium deposits accumulate in or around the rotator cuff and cause symptoms similar to those of a frozen shoulder.

7- Shoulder sprain

8- Shoulder detachment

It occurs when there is an injury to the ligaments that connect your shoulder to the collarbone. This can cause the ligaments to stretch or tear completely.

9- Shoulder osteoarthritis:

Osteoarthritis occurs when the tissue of your joints wears down, often due to normal wear. Although less common than osteoarthritis of the knee or hip joints, osteoarthritis of the shoulder joints can have a significant impact on people with it.

10- Shoulder rheumatoid arthritis

It is a condition in which your immune system attacks your joints. People with rheumatoid arthritis can experience severe impairment of shoulder function about a year and a half after the onset of the condition.

How do I tell the difference between shoulder pain and heart pain?

Sudden left shoulder pain can sometimes be a sign of a heart attack, and you should call emergency immediately if you experience sudden chest pressure or severe shoulder pain, especially if the pain extends from your chest to the left side of the jaw or to the arm or neck, or occurs with shortness of breath, dizziness or sweating.

Treatment of shoulder pain

Shoulder pain treatment options include, according to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons:

Activity changes

These include rest, changing your activities and physical therapy to help you flex and improve shoulder strength, and it is also advised to avoid fatigue or overdoing activities that may cause shoulder pain.


Your doctor may prescribe medication to reduce inflammation and pain, which should be taken as directed, and may also recommend injections of anesthetics or steroids to relieve pain.


Surgery may be needed to resolve some shoulder problems, however it should be resorted to after simple treatment methods such as changing activities, rest, exercise and medications have been exhausted.

Some shoulder problems may not work with exercise, such as some rotator cuff tears. In these cases, surgery may be recommended fairly early.

Surgery can involve arthroscopy to remove scar tissue or repair torn tissue.

Right scapula pain

Pain in the shoulder and right arm is often caused by damage to muscles, tendons or ligaments, and may also occur as a result of damage to the nerves surrounding those areas. Sometimes, unexplained shoulder and arm pain can be a warning sign of a heart attack, a medical condition that requires emergency calling.

When is right shoulder pain dangerous?

According to the Mayo Clinic website, call emergency if shoulder pain is accompanied by difficulty breathing or chest tightness, which may be indicative of a heart attack and require immediate medical attention.

You also need urgent care and an emergency room visit if your shoulder pain is caused by an injury and is accompanied by:

  • A joint that looks distorted.
  • Inability to use the joint or keep your arm away from your body.
  • Sudden swelling.

Right shoulder and neck pain

Neck problems can cause pain in the scapula or upper arm, known as referred pain or radiated pain. If you feel tingling in your hand or arm, as well as pain in your shoulder, it's likely caused by a problem with your neck.

Causes of left shoulder pain with neck

Neck and shoulder pain is usually the result of stress, fatigue, spraining, or sitting in poor posture. Sometimes this pain goes away on its own, and it can also be treated by stretching and strengthening exercises.

Sometimes neck and shoulder pain is caused by a fracture in the shoulder bones, and in general, any pain in the left shoulder should be paid attention to, because it may be an indication of a heart attack.

Shoulder pop

Pain, especially when raising the hand, and a popping sensation when moving the shoulder may indicate shoulder impingement syndrome.

The German Society for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery says Shoulder Impingement Syndrome is a condition caused by a narrowing around the shoulder joint.

The association explained that this narrowing often occurs due to injuries and wear associated with stress and lack of movement, as well as limescale, noting that it negatively affects the muscles, tendons and nerves in the shoulder, causing pain.

The association warned that untreated shoulder impingement syndrome leads to what is known as frozen shoulder shoulder, i.e. loss of shoulder mobility.

Initially, shoulder impingement syndrome is treated with physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications and analgesics, as well as joint cortisone injections, acupuncture and shock wave therapy.

In severe cases, surgery is used to treat stenosis in what is known as "keyhole" surgery, which is minimally invasive.