Zhongxin Net, April 4 (Reporter Xie Yiguan) Fujian Province is known as "eight mountains, one water and one field", and Sanming City, located in the central and western parts of Fujian, has adapted measures to local conditions and turned "green waters and green mountains into gold and silver mountains" and embarked on a road of rural revitalization led by party organizations and coordinated development of the area.

"The first village of snacks", to achieve the first rich and then the rich

Yubang Village, Xiamao Town, Sha County, Sanming City, is known as "the first snack village in Sha County". In the 90s of last century, driven by the village party branch, Yubang villagers walked out of the small mountain village "one by one" and "one after another" to start a snack business. It was also from this time that flat meat became "bricks" and mixed noodles became "steel bars", building a happy home for the villagers of Yubang.

After Yu Bang made his fortune with snacks, he did not stop at his laurels, but continued to explore and innovate, first of all, to develop the tourism industry.

Shuttling through Yubang Village, which is now a 3A-level scenic spot, under the green hills, green trees, and neat houses, villagers sell all kinds of snacks along the street. Supporting projects such as snack model shops, study halls, leisure trails, and folk customs have been established here, allowing villagers to increase their income at their doorstep.

Yubang Village in Shaxian County is full of tourists. Photo by China News Network reporter Xie Yiguan

However, in order to revitalize the countryside as a whole, it is necessary to "bring weak villages with strong villages". Zhang Weihua, secretary of the party committee of Xiamao Town, Shaxian District, said that considering the uneven development between villages, Yubang Village was the main village of joint construction, and the party branches of five surrounding villages, Yixin Cooperative, Hongyuan Cooperative, and other two cooperative party branches jointly established the Yubang Area Party Committee, embarking on a path of cross-village joint construction leading the construction of beautiful villages with industrial integration.

According to Zhang Weihua, the area has determined the industrial development direction of "taking the snack industry as the lead, cultural tourism and health care resources complementary, and training economy multi-point linkage", and Yubang Village invested 20% of the shares, and the other five joint construction villages each invested 5%, jointly established Xiamao Town Yubang Area Agricultural Trade Development Co., Ltd. At the same time, under the leadership of the party committee of the area, Yubang Village Joint Stock Economic Cooperative contributed 16 million yuan, and interested villagers in the area invested 200-1,2 yuan per household, jointly established the Yubang Area Tourism Development Fund of 500 million yuan, and jointly invested in the snack cultural tourism group.

After a series of efforts, Zhang Weihua revealed, "In 2021, the financial income of Lianjian Village will be 160.42 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 25300%; The per capita income of villagers was 18,<> yuan, a year-on-year increase of <>%. ”

Do a good job of landscape and paddy field articles, so that villages and villages can have industries

Walking into Changkou Village, Gaotang Town, Jiangle County, Sanming City, the big characters "Green mountains and green water are priceless treasures" are carved on the stone stele, which is very conspicuous.

The stone tablet at the entrance of Changkou Village is engraved with the words "Green mountains and green water are priceless treasures". Photo by China News Network reporter Xie Yiguan

Changkou Village is located on the bank of the Jinxi River, with layers of mountains and beautiful scenery, how to draw "landscape painting" well and do a good job in landscape and water field articles? Changkou Village has developed characteristic industries such as forestry and navel orange planting, and also operates rural tourism projects such as rafting and homestays. At the same time, the country's first forestry "carbon ticket" was issued to achieve "getting rich without cutting down trees".

By transforming the advantages of ecological environment into ecological economic advantages such as ecological agriculture, ecological industry, and ecological tourism, the collective income of Changkou Village has increased from less than 90,3 yuan in the 2022s of the last century to 185.2 million yuan in 3, and the per capita net income of villagers has increased from more than <>,<> yuan in the early days to <>,<> yuan today.

"Over the years, Changkou Village has changed a lot, and the observation decks you see were built later." One villager told reporters that she has lived in the village for decades and has seen it become rich.

In this process, the Gaotang Town Party Committee is also aware of the imbalance between the development of large villages and small villages, strong villages and weak villages, Gaotang Town publicity committee member Zhang Linshun said that by giving full play to the demonstration and driving role of Changkou Village, uniting five administrative villages with adjacent regions, similar resources, similar village conditions and complementary industries to jointly form a joint village party committee, promote the advanced to lead the backward, and the big village pulls the small village, so as to achieve integrated rural development and go hand in hand.

According to Zhang Linshun, on the one hand, Liancun has enabled hundreds of residents to achieve doorstep employment by introducing companies. On the other hand, through the implementation of the model of "collective participation, joint construction and cooperative development of village enterprises" and the method of "company + cooperative + village party branch + farmer", we have jointly built industrial bases such as 2022,6 mu of navel oranges, primary and secondary school research, and kayak training, so as to realize that villages and villages have industries and industry characteristics. It is reported that through the implementation of "cross-village joint construction", 65 joint construction villages will achieve an average income of <>,<> yuan in <>.

A single branch is not spring, and a hundred flowers bloom in the spring garden. These "first-rich" villages are adhering to the concept of "one game of chess" in regional development, and by exploring the "cross-village joint construction" party building model, they are promoting the joint development of industrial development, the joint sharing of ecological benefits, and the joint governance of the rural environment, so as to achieve balanced development and common improvement of the area. (End)