"In the first place in the ranking of dangers, the study participants put a possible increase in cybercrime. Without the introduction of additional measures to control the development of artificial intelligence, neural networks in the next few years will be able to break the protection of computer programs much more efficiently than people, including in areas critical to the economy," the experts noted.

Further, in the anti-rating, experts highlighted the threat to the safety of users' personal data and the risk of reducing the number of vacancies in a wide range of specialties.

"We are talking, in particular, about financial and accounting, technical support employees and call centers, marketing analysts, journalists and copywriters, graphic designers, and so on," the analysts explained.

In general, the authors of the study agreed that any danger posed by neural networks does not concern the technology itself, but what a particular person puts into it with his beliefs, knowledge, moral and ethical guidelines, political and religious attitudes, and so on.

"Today, the state and society are faced with the large-scale task of taking preventive measures that could protect strategically important industries and critical infrastructure ... Of course, it is necessary to increase the digital literacy of Russians, train highly qualified specialists, as well as a systematic approach to the legal regulation of the activities of neural networks and the assessment of possible risks," said Stanislav Kudzh, Rector of RTU MIREA.

As specified in the materials provided by RT, the study consisted of two stages. More than 500 students of RTU MIREA took part in the first one. Each of them was asked to familiarize themselves with ten photographs and ten texts and select among them those generated by the neural network. As a result, only 45% of respondents were able to recognize fake photographic material, only 30% - text created by artificial intelligence.

The second phase of the study included a survey of experts in the field of AI. It was attended by 170 specialists, who were asked to name the main dangers to society due to the development of neural networks.

Earlier, a survey of the Superjob service showed that most of all in the development of artificial intelligence, Russians are frightened by the prospect of losing their jobs.